Change in the management of Pixelboxx
Dagmar Kröplin, next to Michael Wegner member of the Pixelboxx management board, will retire from her position on July 31st, 2018 at the age of 60. Her know-how and her experience will remain with the company in her function as partner and consultant of Pixelboxx.
Dagmar Kröplin, responsible for business development, has accompanied and made the Dortmund software company Pixelboxx known from the beginning. In eighteen successful years she has continuously expanded the sales department through her expertise. Already two years ago she started to plan her succession. With Michael Wegner, who will be the sole managing director from then on, Dagmar Kröplin has found an experienced successor who is well prepared due to the long transition phase.
"Of course I regret the departure. Dagmar Kröplin has done an excellent job at Pixelboxx and has rendered outstanding services especially in the further development of the company. We respect her wish for more time for private projects and are happy that she will continue to support Pixelboxx as a consultant and shareholder with her knowledge and her network", explains Michael Wegner.
"In order to optimize business and management processes, a restructuring at Pixelboxx is taking place in the course of the changes. In this context, a key-account management will be established in the near future and tasks will be reallocated.